Drain Cleaning and Sewer Back-ups

Old plumbing systems differ greatly from new ones in terms of design. Chicago and other large cities have combined sewage and storm sewers, requiring different types of protection from sewer backups. Newer suburbs have seperate sewers – one for storm water and one for sewage.

Drain Cleaning may sound easy, but it is actually pretty complicated.  Once a clog is discovered which is not localized to one sink or toilet, then it becomes difficult for a homeowner to unclog. It’s a bad idea for homeowners to open up the sewer pipe in the basement to try to unclog the sewer.  If there is a whole house clog, the sewer can be what we call “fully charged” and when opened, large amounts of backed up sewage may shoot out into the basement and onto anyone standing nearby.  For this reason, whole house plumbing stoppages should be left to a professional.

Another factor involved is age- old plumbing systems differ greatly from new ones in terms of design. Chicago and other large cities have combined sewage and storm sewers, requiring different types of protection from sewer backups.  Newer suburbs have seperate sewers – one for storm water and one for sewage. Many times when storms drop large amounts of rain, storm water and sewage backs up into Chicago homes because the system is overloaded with storm water. This is why Chicago homes need more than just a sump pump- they need a specific flood control system. The Scottish Plumber installs flood controls systems in the city of Chicago and it’s suburbs plus gives a 10-year guarantee free from this type of back up.  In newer townships, storm sewers are totally separate from sewage lines and so they also need specific types of flood control systems.


clean drain lineAt Scottish Plumber, we run a $99 drain cleaning special for all Chicagoland locations to keep your water flowing!


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